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Mother’s Ruin Mediterraneo – The best Italian London Dry Gin

“Mother’s Ruin Mediterraneo” is the best Italian London Dry Gin. In February 2022 the gin from Tommaso Maria Gamurrini from Arezzo received the coveted recognition at the World Gin Awards 2021 and also won the Grand Gold at Europe Wine & Spirits Trophy.

Mother’s Ruin Mediterraneo is a London Dry Gin born from an Italian idea and the experience of the best London Master distillers. The name Mediterraneo represents the essence of our gin: a unique harmony of aromas which takes the senses to a journey from the sweet scents of Provence to the spicy tones of North Africa, going through the hills of Tuscany and the orange groves of Sicily.

The Botanicals of the Gin

Its botanicals are in fact orange, angelica, cardamom, coriander, lavender, liquorice and juniper, all selected on the basis of geographical origin and treated to ensure that the gin respects the parameters of an organic product.

“The art is in finding the right balance, not complicate the steps” – Charles Maxwell

Mother’s Ruin Mediterraneo is a London Dry Gin which is distilled at the Thames Distillers ltd in London. The whole distillation process has the aimed to ensure that the raw material is processed with the maximum care, allowing the botanicals to fully express their organoleptic/sensory features without any additional artifices.

The first spirit is obtained in the same farm where the grains grow. The second step is the distillation of the alcohol together with the botanicals. After the head and the tail have been cut and the heart of the spirit has rested for a preset time (which is actually the secret of the recipe), the gin is ready. No further or unnecessary steps are required.

The Mediterraneo London Dry Gin and all of the Thames Distiller products have the peculiarity of using stills made of stainless steel instead of copper, the well-known Tom Thumb and Thumbelina, named by the master distiller and owner Charles Maxwell. They have been chosen as they are manufactured by the historic firm John Dore & Co. in order “to last through the centuries” and also because they don’t need any electrical support.

Do you want to know more about the MEDITERRANEO London Dry gin? Then get in touch here: Rederlechner GmbH, Representation MEDITERRANEO London Dry Gin – Export. Contact person ist Martin Rederlechner,

Source: Mother’s Ruin | Rederlechner GmbH

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